Pole reversal

Pole reversalPole reversal
  1. Well , this is an important step towards monopolarity as well as the pole reversal .


  2. The author can get quite graphic in his description of what would happen during and following a pole reversal .


  3. The way sea-floor spreading and magnetic pole reversal neatly confirmed each other is one of my favorite examples of scientific discovery at work .


  4. This is the third in a series of his books about the devastating destruction that the author has discovered is coming in2012 & a planetary geophysical pole reversal .


  5. If pole reversal is coming in2012 how can it be that our top scientists are not warning us about it , and how is it that they don 't know about it ?


  6. In cases of more time , like am impending pole reversal , they can get closer and take people in a beam , but many don 't survive this physically either , if not prepared in advance .
